Yawning is identical to sleepy.Opinion has a point.In addition, there are many positive benefits for health care obtained by yawning.Yawn is the body's natural reflex.There breathed movement widening the fallopian Eustachius (tube that connects the middle ear, behind the nasal cavity and upper throat), plus stretching and relaxation of muscles.Organs such as brain, a vital part of the body needs oxygen in sufficient quantities.Conversely, rising levels of carbon dioxide.That harm the body.One way to provide oxygen levels by yawning.Yawning with inhaled oxygen deficiency will suffice body.Yawning also helps to balance the pressure in the ear and the environment.For example, when flying in aircraft.Before take off, flight attendants are usually handed candy to the passengers.Eating candy making tubal Eustachius kept open when the plane had flown.
At a certain altitude, fallopian automatic Eustachius narrowed to protect the inner ear of the low air pressure.That's what makes the ears so sick and ringing.By eating the candy, will open the fallopian Eustachius.Role in balancing the pressure in one ear and the environment do.The same mechanism occurs when yawning and talking to other people.Yawning also helps regulate the body's biological clock.sign the body was tired and wanted for resting.
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wow..that's a very..very..big yawn
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