Most people think of mango fruit belonging to the cheap, unlike apples, grapes, pears, are quite expensive. But do we ever think, what exactly is the content of this fruit, and the benefits for dental and general health.
Mango is a genus of plants consisting of 35 species of tropical fruit in the Anacardiaceae family and genus Mangifera. Mangoes belong to the fleshy fruit with a shape, size, color, and diverse cuisine.
Mango Ingredients:
a. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a vitamin needed for normal growth process.The human body does not have the ability to process vitamin c, because it required intake from outside to make ends meet every day. Vitamin C has a function to maintain and stimulate capillary health, dental and gum health. Mangoes can also help the absorption of iron, if a problem occurs in iron in the body, then we will be more susceptible to caries. Vitamin C can also to make permanent normal connective tissue, helps healing wounds, and prevent ulcers.
b. Antioxidants
Mangoes can be anti oxidative as a source of beta-carotene, phenolic compounds, lupeol, vitamin C, E, and some minerals such as Cu, Zn, Mn, and Se. Beta carotene is a substance in the body is converted into vitamin A. These compounds may protect the body from disease, including cancer, coronary heart disease, and premature aging.
The possibility of cancer here as well, including what happened in the mouth, or the so-called oral cancer or oral cavity carcinoma. Although the effect is not directly, but a fundamental change in the genetic material and other cells by cigarette smoke, environmental / industrial factors may be a risk factor and the trigger of intra oral cancer.
c. Mineral Source
Potassium is abundant in mangoes. Each containing 100 grams of mango
189 mg of potassium. By eating a candied mango very small size (at least 250 grams), or a medium-size mango Prasina (200-250 grams), the adequacy of 400 mg of potassium per day can be met. Potassium has a function of increasing regularity of heart rate, activates muscle contraction, and helps blood pressure. Of mangoes also contain calcium and phosphorus that are needed by the body in the process of bone and teeth formation.
d. Fiber Sources
Fiber in mangoes around 1.8 percent, to contribute enough to the needs of human fiber. Fiber foods have a physiological role of the intestine. Mango food fiber consists of soluble fiber foods, namely pectin and fiber, insoluble fiber food that is cellulose. Each type of fiber is very important food for human health. One of the functions of the soluble fiber foods slow digestion in the intestine. If the case Mastication function, mastication, and swallowing in the oral cavity is not too effective (imperfect food chewed and destroyed) then the intestines will slowly digest the food can be broken down easily and is absorbed well by the intestine.
e. Calories Water Resources and Energy
Mango fruit is also refreshing because it has a moisture content of 70% -85%. In 100 grams of ripe mangoes is 84% water and 73 calories of energy, while the young mango contains 84% water and 66 calories of energy. Energy in the young mango low because many contain more starch, which will turn into sugar in the process of maturation.
It's quite amazing to know that mango has so many benefit for our health. I think, I should take mango on my daily menu, since this fruit is easy to find in my country. Thanks for the info.
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