Saturday, November 28, 2009

Drugs Antidiarrhoeals

   -Attapulgite: This medicine contains magnesium ammonium disilicate derived from clay.This drugs have effect absorbent and works by absorbing toxins, viruses, acid and some bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract
Pectin: a soluble fiber that come from an apple and orange.Is commonly used mix with Antidiarrhoeals,such as attapulgite or kaolin.Pektin function as mass enhancer and can soften the stools and hardened feces.
Activated carbon (activated charcoal): This drug has good absorption and are generally used for first aid in case of poisoned.Same like attapulgite, activated carbon is not absorbed into the blood,systematically so safe enough.
-Bismuth subsalisilat: this drug to overcome the various disorders digestion.Bismuth system functions as absorbent and reduces the secretion of fluid in the gut mucosa.
-Extracts of plants: few natural materials such as turmeric extract, the guava leaves are often used to overcome this diarrhea.Ingredients contain tannins that can protect the mucosa and reduce the liquid in the intestine mucosa.
-Loperamid: These drugs include the opiod (narcotic). Loperamid Only very few reach the brain tissue so as to avoid central effects and not cause addiction.
-Probiotics: Lactobacillus contains good bacteria that keep functioning balanced microorganisms in intestine.Usage broad-spectrum antibiotics can disrupt the balance of microorganisms and cause diarrhea.
-Antibiotics: most active diarrhea caused by viruses that do not need antibiotics.But frequent mistakes made by the public and even physicians themselves are in a hurry given antibiotics.Given antibiotics in the long run to patients can cause germs resistance to antibiotics.


Activated Attapulgite said...

This medicine contains magnesium ammonium disilicate derived from clay.This drug has good absorption and are generally used for first aid in case of poisoned

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