Friday, December 18, 2009

Penis Size Fat Children

Experts agree that since childhood, have been sought so that the kids are not overweight.In addition to the future not susceptible to vascular disease (heart, coronary.impotence, stroke) and diabetes mellitus, it is intended that the development of reproductive organs can be grown in an optimal.Two-year-olds weighing 20 kg including the classification of obesity.The condition was potentially cause problems.Childhood obesity will lead to premature growth hormone is not produced in an optimal.Piles of fat around the shaft of the penis will increase the problem.Therefore, shaft of the penis becomes immersed in a pile of fat.
The hormone testosterone is the main ingredient of growth hormone penis.If not, the penis does not grow maximum.Addition,low testosterone will result in easy fat kid.The first solution is to do, strive to be a child's weight around your ideal weight.For two-year-olds, weighing about 12-14 kg.The factors that should be a concern, the child was growing up.So, set a good diet without children lack the calories and protein should be considered.Plus,prevent children from pollutants spam hormone (endocrine disruptor). In between, pollutants plastic material (2-ME), gnistein contained in soy products and insecticides can also exist in vegetables and fruits.Not easy to avoid pollutants in our environment, but must be pursued.



Saya sangat setuju...
pemeliharaan organ reproduksi harus dimulai sejak dini.

ARIF'S said...

iya sob supaya bertahan sampai tua huahuahua.....

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