Garlic is believed to have different efficacy.Sure,garlic has side effects.Namely,extend the time of blood dilution.In this one tuber, contains antibiotic substances.For example, aniline, alicin, flavonoids, sulfur, calcium and satifin.In the complex, these substances affect each other heal.Which usually does not like patients consumed higher is the smell of garlic.In fact, the smell is due to aniline and alicin.Wealth of content makes it the garlic has many benefits.Among them, lowers cholesterol, thins the phlegm and anti-fungal and also member-lowering effects of heat.There are effects of garlic that needs attention.namely,thin the blood.On someone who will undergo surgery, the consumption of garlic should be stopped, at least two weeks before surgery.Even for smaller cases, like pulling teeth and inflammation of the stomach, garlic consumption should be reduced.
For preventive measures,garlic is usually consumed directly after burned.However, garlic can also be mixed with other ingredients such as honey.Way,finely chopped garlic, then add honey.Garlic therapy in a way is not recommended for children.Injury also can be treated with garlic.Way, mashed garlic and place in bandage wound.Then, tied to the wound.In two days the wound will dry up.Only, dressing should be replaced at least three times a day.Is quite powerful way to treat wounds.However, the wound will sting when the treatment lasted.Other benefits? Garlic can treat bruises.Way, the garlic paste on the sore skin.
Garlic really has lots of medicinal benefits..
Nice post..
i have already do it my partner
I especially liked the garlic mixed in vegetables reply to the daily food....nice info
Smart Best Info
Good and interesting information. Thanks bro...
very informative..
OWh.....thnx 4 share Friend.....
open my mind about health
garlic is one important part of food, n for have benefit for body to
Happy blogging bro.. Have a nice day..
usually more garlic more delicious... :)
I agree if garlic can be treat bruises
hello, doctor! thanks for the friendship, too! are you moving on to a new blog? i wish you well, my friend! God bless you..
hi doctor another interesting post you have here...actually i dont like the garlic...just maybe from the taste..but after read your post maybe i have to try this. Nice share...
Best Regards
Good morning bro...
Hi friend, thanks for your visit. Wish you a very happy week ahead!
so you are a doctor right?
turned out many functions of garlic, thanks for your information
hi doctor,,, write about garlic, very nice info. Thank's for visit
Thats right gerlic has benefit fo people
I am glad to meet you, although not directly. thank's ur visit
datang dan memenuhi permintaan bro... KLIK
^_^ nice information.. I don't know that garlic have negative effects too.. I only know the positive effects. Thanks for sharing doctor :)
dateng lagi.. makasih ya dah komen di blog ku..
Yes, garlic is so good!
Thnx for your visit. Wish you a blessed day. Happy blogging and keep in touch!
happy blogging..
good morning ,happy day
nice to meet you, exchange link ?
hello my friends, i am fine, nice to give you support by smile
cling muncul kembali kawan
garlic is my fav ..
nice blog.. exchange link to me.... add me and confirm to me for link back,, thank alot.!1
nice blog.. exchange link to me.... add me and confirm to me for link back,, thank alot.!1
nice post dude..
anyway, some said that garlic can also be use to prevent vampires.. [just kidding, LOL]
Indeed many people said that Garlic has an extract that was good for health.
ow..ow...ow bro !! nice info nih...langsung follo aja dah..oya lam kenal nih.
Our God provided us with everything we need...we are just not looking and instead tries to make one for ourselves...pills/medicines.
missing your visits...come visit me real soon
life round meNyou
That was a great piece of information.
thanks info
That fantastic! realy! these website is way better then everything I ever saw. Thanks for sharing!
nice post
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very interesting post
I was very impressed with you
thanks for sharing
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5 years ago I had warts, I was treated with some liquid applied to the warts they continued to grow and spread... The next 2 doctors did laser surgery to remove them. 1 year after the surgery, they grew back close to where the 1st ones were' so I was finally told it was hpv. I have had it for very long time, I contract it from my cheated boyfriend and I found out he was also infected and I end up the relationship between us. the warts was so embarrasses because it started spreading all over I have be dealing with this things for very long time the last treatment I take was About 2 years ago I applied natural treatment from Dr onokun herbal cure, a week after applying the treatment all the warts was gone. it's now 2 years and some months I don't have single wart or any symptoms of hpv. wow"" it's great, Dr onokun has finally cured me. Anyone living with hpv contact Dr onokun for natural treatment.
His email address:
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